Creative Wildfire

Creative Wildfire is a cultural organizing project that supports artists and organizations to build relationships and collaborations embodying our liberatory values. 

Lizzie Suarez, an arts and cultural worker from Miami was part of the latest Creative Wildfire cohort, where she worked together with the Farmworker Association of Florida and with the CJA Food Sovereignty Working Group to create artwork visualizing a Just Transition of Florida food systems.

Learn more and download the artwork 

Artist Statement

This illustration visualizes a nonlinear Just Transition of Florida food systems, from the current systems of domination to a regenerative system of food sovereignty, dignified labor and respect for people, earth, land, animals, plants. Each figure represents a phase of this multigenerational struggle.

In today’s extractive economy, people and the land alike are used by the wealthy as machines for profit. In Florida, Black and indigenous workers and their families are forced to live and work in toxic conditions after being displaced by war, climate catastrophe, and imperialism in their homelands. Extreme heat, water contamination, and food apartheid threaten our lives while we build their empty, luxury condos. Worker organization, cross-sectoral strikes, and experiments of food sovereignty mark the transitional phase of our economy. Farmworkers become trabajadores de la tierra and supermarkets become cooperatives. We fight to defend as we remember to heal. The regenerative economy is not a destination but a shared practice, on the micro and macro level. Relying on local food economies brings us closer to our neighbors, especially during Florida’s vibrant mango season. Our cultural cooperatives act as centers of memory and exchange, and rivers of grass go as far as our eyes can see. 

Just like healing, our Just Transition is nonlinear. We must try many things, in many different ways and places, and be brave enough to be honest about our shortcomings. The past invites us to study, the present invites us to struggle, and the future invites us to dream. We are what we’ve been waiting for.

Cohort Showcase

About the Partner Organization

The Climate Justice Alliance Food Sovereignty Working Group is led by frontline grassroots organizers who are modeling Food Sovereignty as an essential part of a Just Transition. They are organizing resilient communities and a regenerative economy through the practice and scaling out of agroecology – a science, a practice, and a movement centered on growing food in harmony with ecological systems.